
  • November 15, 2020
  • admin
Livestock Industry in Egypt: Dairy 60,000. Fattening: Organized. projects: 350,000. Fragmented: 2,000,000: Our Livestock Products


  • November 15, 2020
  • admin
Poultry Industry in Egypt: Grandparents 300,000. Breeders 10,000,000. Layers 28,000,000. Broilers 800,000,000 Our Poultry Products


  • November 15, 2020
  • admin
Although many people have discovered the beneficial effects of caring for a furry friend, But they may be worried because of the diseases that may affect them, but when...


  • October 25, 2020
  • admin
Despite the pressure on water, Egypt has the largest aquaculture industry in Africa with a market value of over $2.18 billion (CAPMAS 2014). The industry provides about 75.46 % of the...